Accreditations & Awards
CHAS, the UK’s leading accreditation scheme for contractors
It is with great excitement that we can announce that we are now Contractor Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) accredited!
We have demonstrated compliance and that we have gone above and beyond, with and sound management and understanding of current Health and Safety legislation. In addition to Health and Safety, we have also demonstrated full compliance with 6 modules of PAS 91 which are:
Environmental Impact and Sustainability
Quality Management
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
Financial and Business Standing
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Modern Slavery
This means that you can rest assured that we are complying with all areas listed above and meet all of the necessary high standards in order to achieve the accreditation and therefore would be an asset to any business or client requiring Security Services!
The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA)
We are really honoured to be a part of the ZSA with all of our current Security Personnel having taken the training provided over the lockdown to not only enhance their knowledge in the area of suicide prevention but also to expand their portfolios of training. With the current climate as it is and with some of our clients needing some level of understanding in this area due to vulnerable persons using or working for their businesses, we decided to sign up as members to continue to enhance our training, attend updated meetings and receive currently legislations and updates. This also allows us to support the ZSA moving forward which we could not be more supportive of.
What is ZSA?
“The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) is a collaboration of National Health Service trusts, charities, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention in the UK and beyond. We are an alliance of people and organisations coming together around one basic principle: Suicide is preventable” www.zerosuicidealliance.com